How to Draw a Brambling

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Brambling in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Brambling.

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How to Draw a Brambling - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: First, draw an arch for the bird's head. At the back of the head create two small points for the feathers.

Step 2: Next draw a small circle for the eye. Make squiggly lines on the beak and head to complete the face.

Step 3: For the body, draw one line coming from the head for the back of the bird. Draw a curved line coming from the beak for the front of the bird. From the shoulder area, draw a rectangular shape with curvy lines inside of it for the feathers.

Step 4: Then, make the tail by drawing U shapes that connect to one another and extend into the bird's body.

Step 5: Now draw the wings by making one line near the back that is separated by three curved lines for the wing that you can't fully see. For the wing closest to you, use overlapping U shapes to create the layering of feathers.

Step 6: The final step in drawing your Brambling is to draw the legs. Each leg should have two lines that branch from it to create the bird's feet. Once you give your bird some branches to sit on the picture is complete!

Interesting Facts about the Brambling

The brambling is a bird in the finch family. Bramblings are medium-sized finches. They grow from 13.5 to 16 centimeters long and weigh from 17 to 30 grams. The brambling eats seeds and fruits mostly, but also eats small invertebrates. This bird can be found in Europe and Asia. The brambling favors coniferous or birch woodland habitats for breeding.

Did you know?

  • Females build their nests in a tree or bush at a height of 1 to 15 meters.
  • Bramblings are the northern cousin to the chaffinch bird.
  • Female bramblings lay three to eight eggs each season and incubate them for 11 to 12 days.
  • The lifespan of the brambling is about 14.8 years.
  • Falcons, small hawks and raptors are predators of the brambling.

Lesson plan note: Bird watching is a great activity for students to observe all the different species of birds in their area. Older students can bring binoculars from home. Younger students can make binoculars. To make the binoculars, cut an empty paper towel roll in half and tape or glue them side by side to resemble binoculars. Have each student decorate their binoculars by coloring or gluing decorations on them. Have each student take their binoculars outside and look for various birds to fly by.
