How to Draw an Iris Flower

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an Iris Flower in 4 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Iris Flower.

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How to Draw an Iris Flower - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: The first step is to draw the larger petals which should be round or oval shaped and slightly jagged around the edges.

Step 2: Next draw the smaller petals within the larger petals. These inner petals should be shaped similar to the larger petals.

Step 3: In this step draw the stems below the flowers.

Step 4: Lastly draw the leaves starting at the base of the stems and drawing upwards thin leaves that are pointed at the top.

Interesting Facts about Irises

Irises are tall reed like flowers that produce large usually blue or purple flowers. The flowers grow to about 5 to 200 centimeters. The blooms have 6 petals that unfold around a yellow stamen (the pollen makers in flowers.) They grow in lots of colors like pink, white, purple, yellow, and special bred colors. The petals are tear drop shaped that droop down near the bottom. The bearded iris gets its name because the bottom petals are frilly and drop down like a beard. Irises grow during the summer and can be moved like trees to grow new flowers. Most irises grow from bulbs.

Did you know?

  • Irises got their names from the Greek character Iris. She was a messenger to the gods.
  • Irises are the birth flower for people born in February.
  • There are 300 species of iris.
  • The famous “fleur-de-lis” is based on the Iris.
  • Irises have many uses in the medical and cosmetic industry. They are used in perfumes, skin lotion, and the roots are used for medicine.

Lesson Plan Note: The Greek name of the Iris is great why to add a botany lesson to a study of Greek culture. Many flowers have gotten their names from classic Greek myths. The Iris is a diverse plant that adds a delicate touch to a bouquet.