How to Draw a Rough-Legged Hawk

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Rough Legged Hawk in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Rough Legged Hawk.

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How to Draw a Rough Legged Hawk - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Start by drawing the outline of the head and beak

Step 2: Draw the face and the eye. Separate the beak with a line and draw a two sided traingle with a circle inside to create the eye

Step 3: Next, draw the body by making two slightly curved lines on each side of the neck

Step 4: Draw the bird's wing in the space of the body

Step 5: Now, draw the feathers on the wing and body. Draw a jagged line from the top of the neck to the center of the body. Draw some curved and straight lines clustered together to make the feathers on the wing

Step 6: Draw the tail by making clustered lines, connecting them at the ends

Step 7: Finish by drawing the legs and feet. Draw the legs with jagged lines to show feathers. Draw small lines coming out of each toe to make claws

Interesting Facts about Rough-Legged Hawks

Rough-Legged Hawks are called “Rough-Legged” because they have feathers on their legs… all the way to the toes! They are black and brown on top and white underneath. They like living in the frozen tundra up north. They are 14-24 inches long with a 4 foot wingspan. They are found most often in the most northern parts of Alaska and Canada. During winter they move down into the mainland United States. Like all hawks, Rough-Legged Hawks eat small animals like mice, rabbits, and smaller birds.

Did you know?

  • During nesting season, a pair of Rough-Legged Hawks will mate for life.
  • A typical nest size is 2 to 7 eggs.
  • Rough-Legged Hawks live for 19 years in the wild.
  • Rough-Legged Hawks build their nests on cliff sides so they can watch for predators and hunt.
  • Caribou bones have been found in Rough-Legged Hawks’ nests!!

Activity: Draw a picture of the Rough-Legged Hawk. Distribute copies to each student. Set out art supplies like crayons, colored pencils, and markers. Let the child color their own hawk. When they finish write the child’s name in black marker. Staple the birds on a sky themed bulletin board for everyone to see.
