How to Draw a Vulture Head

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Vulture Head in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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How to Draw a Vulture Head - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: First we will draw his eye. It is a half circle underneath a swoopy line. Don't forget his iris.

Step 2: Next, add his eyelids.

Step 3: Now we will draw his beak. Add an arc to the end by his face.

Step 4: His hairy head is next. Add an arc to his beak and put hair on the arc. Also add his nose.

Step 5: Next, his neck is added. Make it wrinkly.q

Step 6: Last, add some hair at the end of his neck He is one funny looking bird huh?

How to Draw a Vulture Head - Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Vulture Head – Step-by-Step Tutorial
