How to Draw a Bahama Pintail

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Bahama Pintail in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Bahama Pintail.

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How to Draw a Bahama Pintail - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: A Bahama pintail is a type of duck that lives in the Caribbean, South America, and the Galapagos Islands. To draw a Bahama pintail, start by drawing an upside ‘U’ shape to make a head. Make another smaller ‘U’ shape to the side to make the duck’s bill.

Step 2: Add a circle for the duck’s cheek. Above that, draw an eye. Add some lines to the duck’s bill for detail.

Step 3: Draw a long curving line, like a ‘C’, for the duck’s chest and belly. Draw another line above that for his back.

Step 4: To make the duck’s wings, draw two parallel curving lines on its back and above that, add some feathers.

Step 5: Under the belly, draw the duck’s leg by making two short lines. At the end, draw a webbed foot. Ducks have webbed feet to help them paddle through the water. Don’t forget to add a small ‘toe’ on the backside! This helps the duck balance when he is on land.

Step 6: To the right of the first foot, draw another one and a line sloping upward to create the rest of the duck’s belly.

Step 7: Add a sideways ‘V’ and some short lines to create the duck’s tail. Your duck is finished!

Interesting Facts about the Bahama Pintail

Bahama pintails are tropical ducks also known as summer ducks or white-cheeked pintail. There are three subspecies. The lesser Bahama pintail is native to the West Indies, the northern region of South America, and Southern Florida. The greater Bahama pintail is native to South America. The Galapagos pintail is only found on the Galapagos Islands.

Did you know?

  • They are a species of dabbling ducks – a group of ducks that feed at the surface of the water (or dabble) rather than diving under for their food.
  • Their diet includes aquatic plants and invertebrates that live in water.
  • Bahama pintails are not very sociable. They can be found alone or in pairs, and sometimes in small groups while they are migrating.
  • Their average size is about 1.5 feet long. Their wingspan is about two feet wide.
  • Females lay 5 to 12 eggs at a time. The eggs are kept warm in nests that are built on the ground near bodies of water.

Bahama pintails are popular pets, and they are considered one of the prettiest ducks. They have brown spots on their feathers, white cheeks, and the base of their beak is red. Their throat and upper part of their neck are white.
