How to Draw a Barbary Sheep

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Barbary Sheep in 5 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Barbary Sheep.

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How to Draw a Barbary Sheep - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: To draw this unique animal, first draw its small rounded head.

Step 2: Draw the face and ear of your sheep, and most importantly add the large curled horns.

Step 3: Now draw the body using four lines which vary in length and shape. The Barbary sheep grows extra long hair on its throat, chest, and upper part of its front legs.

Step 4: Give your sheep long front and back legs with pointed hooves. The back leg should meet your top body line and the front leg should end at the left of the sheep's chest.

Step 5: Draw the last two legs and tail adding color if desired. The Barbary sheep is grayish-brown with a white belly.

Interesting Facts about the Barbary Sheep

Barbary sheep are commonly found in the North African deserts. They are brown in color and turn darker as they grow old. This makes it easier for them to camouflage with desert sand that protects them from predators. Their predators include lions, leopards and humans. They have a vegetarian diet, which includes leaves, grass, bushes, flowers, fruits etc. Food is limited in deserts and they have to compete with livestock for survival. They possess characteristics of both goat and sheep. Their height is 2.6-3.3ft and their weight is normally 40-140kg.

Did you know?

  • Barbary sheep have long hair on their chest where they hide their nose to protect themselves from sand coming into their nostrils during sand storms.
  • They are listed as endangered species.
  • They have horns that are about 50 cm long and are composed of keratin, which is what our nails are made up of.
  • It is very common for female Barbary sheep to have twins.
  • Their scientific name Ammotragus lervia comes from the Greek term, ‘ ammos’, which means sand colored and ‘tragos’ meaning goat. Lervia refers to sheep found in North Africa.
  • They have scent glands under their tail from where they release strong smell.
  • In Africa, Barbary sheep is the only wild sheep species present in the world.

Lesson plan note: Bring a few copies of the outline of Barbary sheep. Let children draw and color Barbary sheep while you share with them its characteristics and behavior!
