How to Draw a Desert Rain Frog

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Desert Rain Frog in 5 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Desert Rain Frog.

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How to Draw a Desert Rain Frog - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: First draw the head and face. The top of the head almost looks like the letter 'E'. Add a curved line below it for the mouth. For the eye, draw an oval with two curved lines inside.

Step 2: Draw a long round curved line for the body.

Step 3: Now let's draw the two front feet by making an elbow macaroni shape with two small toes.

Step 4: Add the hind legs as shows using curved lines around the back of the body.

Step 5: Next, add some patterns to the body by drawing different circular shapes throughout the back and a curved line for the belly. You can color your Dessert Rain Frog light brown. Leave the belly white.

Interesting Facts about Desert Rain Frogs

Desert Rain Frogs like sand. They like sand so much they are almost always covered in it. Desert Rain Frogs live in South Africa. The frogs are fat and short. They have short legs and webbed feet, and their undersides are a brownish yellow color. Desert Rain Frogs like hot and sandy places. They hunt for food at night and hide in the sand during the day. Desert Rain Frogs like to eat beetles and moths. When the sun comes up the frog will dig a place for itself in a sand dune.

Did you know?

  • Diamond mining has ruined a lot of the Desert Rain Frog’s habitat.
  • As known as a Melkpadda.
  • You can see through the underside of a Desert Rain Frog. Just turn it over and you can see its internal organs!
  • A sand burrow for these frogs is about 4-8 inches deep.
  • These frogs don’t have tadpoles; they hatch from eggs buried in the sand.

Activity: This frog’s hiding ability is the perfect excuse for a game of hide and seek.
