How to Draw a Hartebeest

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Hartebeest in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Hartebeest.

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How to Draw a Hartebeest - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Draw the head. The hartebeest has a small, narrow face. Leave a space for the neck.

Step 2: Add a circle for an eye, and little lines for the snout and ear

Step 3: Draw the horns on top of the head, which are curved lines

Step 4: Draw the body, making sure to leave space for the legs

Step 5: Draw the front legs. Remember, the legs are slightly bigger at the top than the bottom. Also, remember to account for hooves at the bottom of their feet.

Step 6: Draw the hind legs, which is similar to the front legs

Step 7: Finally, draw the tail at the end of the hartebeest.

Interesting Facts about the Hartebeest

They are found to be grazing in African savannas and grasslands. Hartebeest are antelopes with long legs that allow them to run as fast as 70km/h. They have a slender face and long and barbed ears. The length of their body is 160 – 215 cm and their tail is 30 – 70 cm long. Males weigh 125 – 218 kg whereas females have a weight of 116 – 185 kg. They may have red, black, golden brown hair with dark brown or black tail. Their horns bends forward at the base and bend outwards at the top. The lower part of their horn consists of several rings whereas females have slimmer horns. Their diet includes green grass found in grasslands.

Did you know?

  • They graze in the grasslands in groups of minimum 20 individuals and maximum of a thousand.
  • Most males deposit their dung to mark their colony taking up areas where there is fresh green grass available.
  • Other groups of males referred to as the ‘bachelor herd’ take up areas surrounding the marked territories where grass is not as healthy as in colonies.
  • They have a life span of 19 years.
  • Newborns are kept hidden until they are grown up and have matured enough to keep up with adults.

Lesson plan note: Let children draw and color an antelope. You can also have race between kids and see who is the fastest!
