How to Draw a Springbok

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Springbok in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Springbok.

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How to Draw a Springbok - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Let's draw a springbok! Draw a V shape to start the head. At the top of the head, trace two curved and pointy horns. Here's a hint: the horns start out close together, then separate at the top. Draw ears on either side of your horns.

Step 2: Outline the ears, then fill in a small oval for the eye, making sure not to color in a small circle in the middle. Trace a short line in the V shape for the mouth, and an even shorter line above it for the nostril.

Step 3: Trace a long line across the back that curves at the end, and trace another shorter line down the front. There's the body!

Step 4: Trace a very skinny front leg with the top opening up wide. Trace a tiny line across the bottom to outline the paw. Finally, trace across the bottom for the belly.

Step 5: Trace another skinny front leg like you did the first, without the wide top this time.

Step 6: Trace the hind leg just like the first front leg, but curve these lines a bit more!

Step 7: Peeking out from behind the hind leg is the second one. Add more curves to this one to, but keep it thin. There's your springbok!

Interesting Facts about the Springbok

The Springbok is an antelope/gazelle hybrid. Like its name would suggest, the Springbok has extra “spring” in its step – it can run 62 miles per hour, which is faster than the speed limit on most highways, and it can jump up to 13 feet into the air, which is the height of about two and a half people.

Did you know?

  • The Springbok’s name comes from the Afrikaan word “spring” (for jump) and the Dutch word “bok” (for either goat or antelope). So the name “Springbok” can be translated as “jumping goat.”
  • In South Africa is where you can find a significant number of Springboks – up to 2,500,000!
  • The diet of a Springbok can vary. Sometimes they will just graze on grasses; other times they will eat shrubs, seeds, and leaves. They need very little water to survive, and some have even been known to go their entire lifetime without ever drinking a drop.

Like their diets, the time in which Springboks are active also varies. Usually, you can see them out around dawn and dusk, though they may also choose to feed during the day in colder weather, or at night during the summer. They also like to sleep in the shade during the summer, which they find in trees and bushes.
