How to Draw a Tiro

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Tiro in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Tiro.

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How to Draw a Tiro - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: To draw a Tiro, start with a cone shape that doesn't connect. Make a small indent for the mouth.

Step 2: Next, draw two circles, one larger than the other, for the eye.

Step 3: Then draw two lines that curve toward each other for the body.

Step 4: Now draw a beaker shape for the tail.

Step 5: Draw the upper fin. It looks like a big mitten.

Step 6: Then you add the lower fins. The one closest to the tail looks like a small mitten. The one next to that is more of an oval, and the fin behind the face is shaped like a fan.

Step 7: Finally, make some lines to add scales to the fins and the body of your fish. Congratulations, you are done with your tiro!

Interesting Facts about the Tiro

The Tiro dorado, also known at the Skiffa francesaeor the golden skiffa, is a ray-finned freshwater fish that lives in Mexico and some parts of the United States. The skiffa became extinct in the wild due to competition with other fish species, pollution, and the river it was native to being repurposed as a recreational area.

Did you know?

  • The most a skiffa grows is up to an inch and a half long.
  • The species was named after Frances H. Miller, who did a lot of work studying and furthering the understanding of Mexican fish.
  • The skiffa prefers to live in water that is clear to murky and no deeper than about a foot and a half. It also prefers water with very little current.
  • Discovered as a species in 1978, and declared endangered in 1986. The species went extinct in the wild after 1994.
  • While extinct in the wild, skiffa can still be found in captivity, including aquariums and personal collections.

Lesson plan note: Since this species became extinct through natural and human intervention, discuss the importance of conservation for endangered animals and what steps can be taken by humans to help prevent the extinction of other fish in the wild.
