How to Draw an African Clawless Otter

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an African Clawless Otter in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the African Clawless Otter.

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How to Draw an African Clawless Otter - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Let's draw an African clawless otter! First, draw the head by tracing a sideways letter V where the lines are curved upward.

Step 2: Draw a tiny circle at the tip of the face with a line across the middle for the snout and mouth. Draw a skinny oval for the eye and a small upside down letter U for the ear.

Step 3: Draw a short line across the bottom, then a long curved line across the top for the body. Here's a tip: give the otter a big hump of a back!

Step 4: At the bottom, draw the first front leg. Trace two short lines going down, ending them with four short fingers.

Step 5: Draw the other front leg much like you did the other one, making sure it's peeking out from behind the first.

Step 6: For the hind leg, trace two lines that start wide apart at the top. Then, drawing three fingers at the end, trace a small curved line in between each of them so that they are connected. Those are what you call webbed feet!

Step 7: For the other hind leg, just draw the webbed foot, peeking out from behind the first one!

Step 8: Last, draw a long and skinny pointy tail. There's your African clawless otter!

Interesting Facts about the African Clawless Otter

The African Clawless Otter is the second biggest otter in the freshwater otter family. Like other otters, African Clawless Otters like to hang out in areas that will provide them with plenty of water, like the savannah. And, just like their name suggests, they do not have claws.

Did you know?

  • The African Clawless Otter is slow and awkward when it tries to move around on land. That’s why it prefers to burrow into banks that are close to water. This way, they can easily dart in and out to grab food or escape predators.
  • Because they are nocturnal, the African Clawless Otter likes to sleep during the day in areas that are usually covered with bushes.
  • The whiskers of an African Clawless Otter are super sensitive, and they use them to find prey in the water.

The African Clawless Otter usually eats animals that you would find in the water, like crabs, frogs, and fish. They also eat worms, which they can find in the moist soil at the bottoms of ponds and rivers, by using their paws to dig. They can also use their paws to pick up rocks or move logs.
