How to Draw an African Wildcat

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an African Wildcat in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the African Wildcat.

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How to Draw an African Wildcat - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Let's draw an African wildcat! For the head, draw what looks like a letter V, but make sure your bottom line is curvy. Add a hump at the top for the forehead. Add triangular shapes for the ears, making sure you outline the first ear.

Step 2: Add a short line for the mouth and a circle for the nose. Trace an oval for the eye.

Step 3: From the body, trace a long line going back across the top, and a much shorter line going slightly across the bottom.

Step 4: Draw the first front leg by tracing two lines wide apart at the top and closer together toward the end. Here's a tip: draw the lines in a zigzag pattern so that your wildcat is really walking!

Step 5: Draw the other front paw by tracing two lines that are wide apart at the top. This time draw the lines straight down.

Step 6: Trace a line for the belly and continue with the hind leg. This one is like the first leg you drew, so make sure to do the zigzag pattern!

Step 7: Draw the hind leg peeking out from behind the other.

Step 8: Draw a long tube-like tail. But be careful! Don't make the tail pointy! There's your African wildcat!

Interesting Facts about the African Wildcat

African wildcats make their homes in North Africa, and they are very close in size and behavior to the common housecat. Just like a housecat, African wildcats like to stalk their prey and pounce on it when it gets close enough to it.

Did you know?

  • The African wildcat likes to eat small animals, like mice and rats. It also eats birds, reptiles, insects, and amphibians. So it eats a lot of the same things that a housecat eats.
  • Unlike housecats, the African wildcat is usually up all night and sleeps during the day. It also hides in bushes during the day, though you can sometimes see them during the day if it’s darker outside than on normal days – like when it’s cloudy.
  • Both male and female African wildcats defend their territory against potential intruders.
  • Most African wildcat kittens are born during the wet season, which is when the most rainfall occurs during the course of the year. Because of this, there is always plenty of food around for the kittens.

The African wildcat is a celebrity – it has actually been featured on a postage stamp! Back in the late ‘90s, stamp minisheets were issued that featured images of the African wildcat.
