How to Draw a Cartoon Platypus

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Cartoon Platypus in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

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How to Draw a Cartoon Platypus - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Start by drawing the bill. Draw a large rounded triangle-shaped area angled diagonally with two flat ovals, the top one smaller than the bottom oval, near the narrowed part. Make the wider part curvy and add a loop that curves under and connects about three fourths of the way along the underside of the top part.

Step 2: Next, draw in a fuzzy curve connected to the top of the bill and add in another curve connected about the center of the lower part of the bill. Make sure the two curves do not connect.

Step 3: Draw the eye next, making a filled-in circle with a semi-circle cut out of the bottom of it just to the left of the bill.

Step 4: Now you're going to draw the front feet. Draw a fan-shaped part with a small curved part on the top on each side connecting to the bottom of the head. Draw three lines, one extending straight out from the body and two extending diagonally in a ā€œVā€ shape from either side of the first one, for the fingers in the webbing. Then add in a small loop under the bill for the other front foot.

Step 5: Next, you'll draw the rounded rectangle for the body and back foot. Start with the back, connecting it to the top of the head and making it a rounded curve that extends sharply downward a little bit past the front foot and then curves at a near 90 degree angle to meet the front foot along the curve that extends upward. Next, draw in a flattened oval with two curved lines extending inward from the edge for the foot where the back curves to meet the front foot.

Step 6: Finally, draw in a loop opposite the eye on the outer edge of the body for the tail.

How to Draw a Cartoon Platypus - Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Cartoon Platypus – Step-by-Step Tutorial
