How to Draw a Salamander

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Salamander in 6 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Salamander.

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How to Draw a Salamander - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: First, draw the head. It is long and rounded, like the end of your thumb. Leave it open at the end.

Step 2: Now draw the front leg and a curved line for one side of the body. The body is long and slender.

Step 3: For your next step, draw the other front leg and the other side of the body. The salamander has very short legs and five toes.

Step 4: Now draw the hind legs. Did you know? If salamanders lose their back legs, tail or other body parts, they can grow them back!

Step 5: Next is the tail. Draw two long and curved lines that come together in a sharp point at the end.

Step 6: For your last step, draw the salamander's eyes and give them some detail. Draw two circles near the end of the head and put slanted lines going through the middle of each.Now think about coloring your drawing. Salamanders can be many different colors, and male salamanders change to brighter colors during mating season when they want to attract a mate! Also choose a habitat for your animal to draw and color. Some salamanders live in moist swamps, while others live in the arid deserts.

Interesting Facts about Salamanders

Salamanders are amphibians with long bodies, long tails, and four legs. They look like lizards. Salamanders live in temperate climates throughout the world. There about 700 species of salamanders.

Did you know?

  • The color of the male salamander is brighter during mating season, in order to attract females.
  • Salamanders can grow back legs and other body parts when they lose them.
  • Baby salamanders look like tadpoles when they are first born. They are called salamander nymphs.
  • Salamanders are related to newts, which are smaller amphibians. People refer to newts as salamanders that live on land for most of the year.
  • Salamanders grow to be about 6 inches long.
  • Most species of salamanders must keep their skin wet. They produce mucus to stay moist. If they are too dry and hot, salamanders could die.
  • Some species of salamanders lay eggs in water, while others lay eggs on land.
  • Salamanders are carnivores that usually eat slugs, snails, and other slow-moving animals.

Most salamanders produce poisonous liquids to prevent from being eaten by their predators. Salamanders with brightly-colored skin are poisonous, and the bright color is a warning to their predators that they should not try to eat them.
