How to Draw an Iguana

In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an Iguana in 10 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Iguana.

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How to Draw an Iguana - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Let's draw an iguana! Drawing the head, trace a squiggly circle.

Step 2: For the back, trace a line going across, making sure to bend it as you go.

Step 3: Next, draw two squiggly lines for the front leg and trace three squiggly toes!

Step 4: Draw the belly, starting at the front leg, making your way across the page.

Step 5: The hind foot is squiggly too but thick and short. Here's a tip: try zigzagging the lines of the leg and at the bottom, draw the foot. Don't forget the toes!

Step 6: For the pointy tail, start where the back ends, making a loop all the way to the front of the iguana's body. Start another line at the hind leg, looping it to the front too, connecting it to the end of the first line.

Step 7: Add the spikes! These are fun: they are like upside down letter Vs all along the back.

Step 8: Draw the neck by tracing a line that connects the head and the front leg. Also, draw a squiggly semi-circle for the throat.

Step 9: Draw a circle for the eye, two dots for the nose and a thin line for the mouth.

Step 10: Last, draw the pointy claws at the end of the toes. There's an iguana!

Interesting Facts about Iguanas

Iguanas are reptiles that are usually green or brown. Iguanas are lizards. Like other reptiles, iguanas are coldblooded and lay eggs. There are 45 species of iguanas. Some species are endangered. Iguanas are native to tropical regions in Central and South America, Polynesian islands like Fiji, and the Caribbean.

Did you know?

  • Iguanas have excellent eyesight.
  • Iguanas are great swimmers. To avoid predators, they dive into water.
  • The lifespan of an iguana is about 15 to 20 years.
  • On average, iguanas are between 14 inches to 7 feet long.
  • Iguanas can weigh up to 18 pounds.
  • Iguanas have sharp teeth, claws, and spines on their tails.
  • Iguanas usually eat fruit, flower buds, and leaves. Some species also eat insects.
  • In Central and South America, people eat iguanas.

People keep iguanas as pets. Before you ask your parents if you can have one, you need to understand the needs of a pet iguana. Pet iguanas need a cage big enough for it grow. They also need a lot of attention to be happy. They also need proper lighting in their cage, the right kind of food, and water for drinking and bathing. Iguanas are smart enough to know how to escape from their cage!

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